
Unid.The game is played on a variable-sized board, which can be square or hexagonal. Each player has a finite number of main stones to place (determined at the beginning of the game). For each main stone placed, the player has auxiliary stones to place around the main stone, following the explained criteria. Gameplay:Black starts andContinua a leggere “Unid”


Un gioco di prese e combinazioni. Giocatori: 4 Squadre: 2 coppie Giro: orario Gerarchia dei semi: cuori quadri fiori picche oppure coppe denari bastoni spade Gerarchia delle carte: A,2,3,4,5,6,7,J,Q,K Mazzo: italiano, 40 carte Svolgimento della partita. Le 2 coppie si dispongono alternate, come nello Scopone e nel Bridge. Il mazziere distribuisce in senso orario 10Continua a leggere “Muro”


an abstract boardgame Rules Drop move: the player places their stone in place of an opponent’s stone, moving that opponent’s stone to a free adjacent square that is diagonally or orthogonally adjacent. Free move: the player then places their own stone in a free square that has no stones adjacent diagonally or orthogonally. Dropper byContinua a leggere “Dropper”

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